El Salvador - La Esperanza
El Salvador Chalatenango - La Esperanza
  $6.00 - 12.00
La Esperanza has a unique herbal side that finds harmony with layered raw sugar sweetness. Molasses sugars, basil, sweet bell pepper, licorice, and celery soda were noted in our cups.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

This lot from La Esperanza has an interesting herbaceus side that's heightened in the light and middle roast levels. Describing a coffee as 'Herbal' can have a polarizing effect on enthusiasm, but I assure you the herbal flavors found in this coffee play off sweetness well, and work to create layered complexity. Hot water brings up a similar appeal, and the break produced a much denser brown sugar sweetness, as well as a note of cooked pumpkin. Herbal-type notes that were much more pronounced when cup testing from a spoon - basil, bell pepper, licorice, celery - find harmony when brewed using a full imersion method like French Press. No matter what your brew method is, La Esperanza's complexity is sure to show the most with a couple days of rest, as well as after letting the coffee cool down in temperature. Heat does a good job of obfuscating characteristics like sweetness and top notes, which is why we sit with the cooling cup for at least 20 minutes during the review process, tasting it over this time span, noting the shifts in cup profile throughout. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 86.3
Region: Chalatenango
Grade: SHB EP
Appearance: .8 d/300gr, 16 - 18 screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 1,000 - 1,350 m

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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