Colombia Tolima - China Alta
Colombia Tolima - China Alta
  $8.50 - 15.00
A real shape shifter, smells of complex sugars transform to delicious fruits in the brew! Brown sugar, baked apple, cinnamon, raisin, and a squirt of citrus.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

This coffee from China Alta region was a real shape shifter on our cupping table. We were all impressed by the sweetness in smells, but did not pick up on any fruit til tasting, which was surprising given the flavors! The ground coffee is infused with a complex sweetness of natural sugar smells, like sugar cane juice, and some date sugar. The wetted grounds offer a sweet, dark molasses smell, along with baked goods like oatmeal cookie, and blondie bar. The cup is fruited from the outset, apple at the top of the list that goes from apples baked with brown sugar and cinnamon, to a slightly winey apple note as well. The coffee cools to milder hints of red raisin, unrefined sugars, and a squirt of citrus that informs the acidic impression. Darker roasting raises deep cocoa roast tones that are offset by an exceptional sweetness and dark berry highlights. I found these darker roasts to be a good option for espresso as well, though the distilled fruited and chocolate flavor may be a bit much for some. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 88
Region: Tolima
Grade: Estate
Appearance: .4 d per 300 grams, 15-17 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 1,850 - 1,950 meters

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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