Papua New Guinea - Korgua X
Papua New Guinea - Korgua X
  $8.50 - 15.00
Medium body across a range of roasts, and moderate acidity, fruited lemongrass hint, dried apple slices, natural dried stone fruit flavor, with some rustic sweetness at a shade more roast development.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

This lot from Korgua Estate is an X grade, which technically is considered a lower level than AA and A grades from Papua New Guinea (PNG). But there are cases like this where, in cupping all of them side by side, X Grade has the fruited sweetness the others lack. The AA was pleasant enough, but really lacked character, whereas X was sweet and fruit-laden. Toffee and caramel sweet smells transfer from freshly ground coffee to wet aromatics, as well as fruited notes that seem to gain momentum after pouring hot water. The coffee extracts medium body across a range of roasts, and presents moderate acidity when kept to the lighter end of the spectrum. (Body is heightened when using full immersion methods like French Press, especially with City+ and Full City roasts where sweetness plays as prominent a role as bittering coffee roast tone!). In terms of top notes, I get a fruited lemongrass hint, and dried apple slices at City, that shape shifts to more of a natural dried stone fruit flavor, with some rustic sweetness with a shade more roast development. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 86.7
Region: Central Highlands
Grade: X
Appearance: .6 d/300gr, 15-17 screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 1,400 meters

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



What Customers are Saying

From Cathy on 11/30/-0001 12:00 am
5/5 stars5/5 stars5/5 stars5/5 stars5/5 stars

I loved it! I kept it on over and over for a subscription!



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