Papua New Guinea - Bauka Blue
  $8.00 - 14.00
Bauka Blue is layered with turbinado, date sugar, and brown sugar flavors, with earthy peet to pine accents. Heavily weighted in cocoa flavors in darker roasts. Good for espresso.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

The dry fragrance shares similarities with butter toffee and cinnamon toast, smells of sweet caramelizing sugars and honey wheat bread. Hot water raises a nice pumpkin bread smell in the steam: pumpkin cooked with brown sugar, and nutmeg spice. Full City roasts have a much more caramel-centric aroma, and the break has some dark cocoa roast tones. Cupping a City roast shows layers of raw sugar flavors, brown sugar first and foremost, but also more naturally unprocessed types like turbinado and even date sugar. Acidity level is pretty mild, particularly muted with deeper roast development, which along with big body, lends itself to espresso application. A shot of our darker roast produced a milky espresso, with a complex, earthy dark cacao flavor. Full City and Full City+ roasts of Bauka Blue will work great for milk drinks. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 87.1
Region: Aiyura Valley
Grade: A/X
Appearance: .8d/300gr, 15 - 17 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's


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