Papua New Guinea - Kimel AA
  $8.00 - 14.00
Brews up a balanced cup, honey sweetness leads into accents of green tea, rindy orange, roasted barley, sarsaparilla, and saffron.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

The dry fragrance has sweet smells of brown sugars and malted grain notes at City+, with Full City showing more chocolate-forward smells. The wet aroma adds a sweet layer of honey and browned butter, with a clean, dark brown sugar note in the steam. City+ roasts brew up a balanced, sweet cup, honey sweetness giving way to a spectrum of flavor accents like green tea, honey, rindy orange, and some roasted barley in aroma. This isn't a particularly high-toned coffee at this roast level, but does have moderate level of acidity. If you like our wet-processed Sulawesi offerings you will appreciate the lighter touch on the Kimel AA. While the darkest roast I tested did not breach into 2nd crack, deep chocolate and a note of sarsparilla are what I picked up on, with subtle hints of safron, and piney 'forest' type earth tones. In between these two roast extremes, the cup was very balanced, possessing ample sweetness, and quite a bit more. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 87
Region: Wahgi Valley
Grade: AA
Appearance: .2 d/300gr, 17-19 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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