Papua New Guinea - Kainantu Sero
  $8.50 - 15.00
Date sugar, blackstrap molasses, hints of dried fig, sticky rice pudding, pine oil and palo santo stick, citrus rind, and dark roasts draw out more crowd-pleasing bittersweetness. Good for espresso.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

A sweet smells of natural sweeteners, a malted caramel note, and an impression of dried date. The sweetness takes on a more resinous aspect in the wet aroma, with an interesting pine oil hint. The liquor has the buoyancy of fruit juice, which reinforces some of the fruited flavor characteristics that accent cup. There's a date sugar sweet note as the cup cools, along with accents of blackstrap molasses, dried fig, and sticky rice pudding. Acidity is on the mild side, but bolstered a bit by rindy citrus notes in the middle. The 'pine oil' aromatic wood aspect comes through in the aftertaste too, like a wood spice palo santo stick, or pine cone. There are chocolatey low tones, and mellow out the herbal aromatics to some degree, and builds more crowd pleasing cup flavors. I think the toned down acidity helps make this lot from Sero Bebes a good option for espresso shots as well! This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 88.3
Region: Eastern Highlands
Grade: Estate
Appearance: .7 d/300gr, 17-19 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 1,680 meters

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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