Ethiopia Limu - Mirabawi Buna Decaf
Ethiopia Limu - Mirabawi Buna Decaf
  $9.50 - 18.00
Complex decaf coffee that's fruited, aromatic, and undeniably Ethiopian! Sweet profiles of simmering berries, plum jam, apple, and even a tropical/floral hint of passionfruit juice. Good for espresso.


7 in stock

Product Description

When this latest Ethiopian decaf was returned to us after being processed, we were pretty floored by the cup quality. Tasting it alongside the rest of our decaf arrivals (which are all very nice, btw!) the cup flavors tasted dramatically different; complex, fruited, aromatic, and undeniably Ethiopian! Context plays a large role in this perception, so I don't want to overpromise here. But as far as decafs go, the aromatic qualities make it stand out from the pack, and will likely fly under the radar as being decaf at all. The dry fragrance gives off dried fruit, like raisin and prune, with aromatic sugars and berries. The wet aroma had more intense fruited characteristics that skewed to the 'winey' side, accented by dark spice notes. Mirabawi Buna is a very sweet brewed coffee, and origin flavors become easier to pinpoint the longer you sip it. Light roasts are where I get the most fruited character, as well as a surprisingly moderate level of acidity. The flavor profiles profiles hinted at simmering berries, plum jam, apple, and even a tropical/floral hint of passionfruit juice. There are some faint wheaty/decaf notes in the finish, but they're hardly the focus. We've had great luck using previous versions of this decaf as espresso when roasted to Full City. It's also a very nice option to use as 1:1 Moka Java blend in conjunction with our current Indonesia 'Nusantara' decaf from Swiss. Pre-roast blending works really well, but it can also be fun to roast them separately and try blending a melange of ratios and roast levels to fine tune the flavor profile. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 89.4
Region: Guji
Grade: Grade 1
Appearance: .4 d/300gr, 15-17 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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