El Salvador Metapan - Finca Calera (honey process)
Finca Calera offers you a light cup, reminding you of milk chocolate, grapes, honey.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

The first part of the farm was planted over 45 years ago, and the new part of the property within 4 years, which makes it a very promising farm. This farm was first planted by Juan Ramon Calderon. Since then, the Valiente Calderon family has constantly been keeping track of its development. The farm is located in the surroundings of El Trifiniou where Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador share borders. Cultural practices such as pruning, weed control, and fertilization based on soil analysis, give employment to some 200 workers during harvest and from 30 to 50 permanent jobs are demanded the rest of the year. They use their own nursery to replant old or damaged trees. The local school was built on a donated land by their family. They are very sensible to the need for rural education in their community. They also provide workers free land used to grow their food crops mainly corn, beans and vegetables. They keep part of the farm as pine and oak forest as part of a strategy to diversify income sources. Calera S.A. de C.V. owns part of San Miguel Ingenio mill where coffee is immediately sent after the harvest and cherries are sorted. The mill is located only 20 minutes away from the farm and before sending the sample to dry mills, cupping is performed to check the quality of the coffee.

Cupping Score: 88.5
Region: Metapan
Grade: Solid Hard Bean (SHB)
Importer: Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders
Elevation: 1,500 - 1,700 m

Where This Coffee Is From


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