Costa Rica Helsar - Miguel Rojas
Costa Rica Helsar - Miguel Rojas
  $7.00 - 13.00
Caramel and molasses sweetness at City+, with subtle top-notes of cinnamon stick, raisin and dried apple. Dense sweetness. Great for espresso.

Product has been discontinued.

Product Description

The dry fragrance of this Caturra lot from Miguel Rojas shows a fair amount of cinnamon spice accenting the ground coffee, along with raw molasses type sugars, and subtle fruited tones. In the aroma, a toasted almond note is released when breaking through the wet crust, along with a mix of milk chocolate and dried fruit. Brewed coffee shows elevated caramel and molasses sugar notes, a toffee nut accent, as well as dried fruits like raisin and green apple. The latter is most present when the cup cools in temp a bit, and an apple-like acidity also comes into play. Miguel Rojas' coffee is once again a balanced brew at a fairly wide roast range, and a more than suitable option for single origin, Costa Rican, espresso. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's

Cupping Score: 86.3
Grade: Solid Hard Bean (SHB)
Appearance: .2 d/300gr, 16-18 Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's

Where This Coffee Is From


Flavor Notes for This Coffee



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