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Veredas Vecinos offers fruited intensity amidst a backdrop of raw sugar and nut, subtle top notes sensed all along the way. The dry fragrance entry point to this coffee has an applie-like smell that verges on just beyond peak ripeness. That slight wineyness gives this coffee and edge in comparison to more basic core coffee flavors, and intense sweetness provides a necessary backing, even in light roasting. The cup moves from caramel-coated almond flavor that brings candied sweetness to the coffee, to a tart green apple note and surprising malic impressions. Wine notes sensed early on come off like cider apples that have slightly fermented. The finish has a graphite aspect too, not drying per se, but just a little on the tannic side that pulls at your tongue. We're happy with how this custom blend landed, and its fruit forward profile really stands out among many of the other regional blends. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Sweet Maria's
Cupping Score: 87
Region: Nariño
Grade: Estate
Appearance: .7 d/300gr, 15+ Screen
Importer: Sweet Maria's
Elevation: 2,000 - 2,100 m
Where This Coffee Is From