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Asorcafe (Asociacion de Cafeteros del Sur Oriente Caucano) is an association of coffee growers, who in 2004, had an initial goal to help their members gain access to the market place. Slowly but surely, the association began focusing on helping their growers with agronomical and technical assistance, storage, and most importantly quality control at their lab. As of 2015, Asorcafe represents more than 400 growers, all of them from the municipality of Inza in Cauca. This region not only has beautiful vistas of the country, but also perfect agronomical conditions for high quality coffee. Each grower is dedicated to producing specialty coffee, and to do whatever they can during fermentation and drying to try to produce exceptional cup quality. Asorcafe and the growers recognize that quality is the only way to reach economic sustainability, and apply this premise to everything they do. This description is from the cupping notes of our coffee importer, Royal Coffee New York
Cupping Score: 88
Region: Cauca
Grade: Excelso
Importer: Royal Coffee New York
Elevation: 1,700m
Where This Coffee Is From