Definitions of Espresso-Based Drinks

Do you always order the same thing when you go to a coffee shop because you aren't sure what each drink actually is?

Be brave enough to try something new by discovering the definitions of the most common espresso-based coffee drinks.


What is espresso?

Single Shot recipe

Espresso is brewed by forcing a small amount of water and steam through a filter of finely ground coffee. Espresso is a thick drink since there is such a small amount of water used to brew the coffee. The creamy tan foam that naturally appears on top is called the crema. The fresher the roast, the more the creama. The drink is usually about 1 ounce of liquid.

What is a double shot of espresso?

Double Shot recipe A double shot means there is twice the amount of coffee put into the espresso portafilter resulting in two ounces of brewed coffee.

The following coffee drinks all start with a shot of espresso. They are different because of what you add to the shot of espresso.

What is a macchiato?

Macchiato recipe A macchiato is an espresso shot with a layer of foamed milk on top.

What is a cappuccino?

Cappuccino recipe A cappuccino is 1/3 espresso shot, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 foamed milk.

What is a latte?

Latte recipe A latte is 6-8 ounces of steamed milk stirred into one espresso shot. A thin layer of foamed milk tops this drink off.

What is a flat white?

Flat White recipe A flat white is a latte without the layer of foamed milk.

What is an Americano?

Americano recipe An Americano starts with an espresso (single or double shot) then adds 6-8 ounces of hot water. The taste is similar to other brewed coffees. Legend has it that the Americano got its name because American soldiers in World War II who were stationed in Italy would water down their espresso shots so they could drink coffee similar to the coffee back home in the States. We have these at our house when I realize we are out of milk after I've already pulled an espresso shot.

What is a cortado?

Cortado recipe Most espresso drinks have an Italian origin but the cortado has its roots in Spanish coffee culture. Cortado in Spanish means "diluted" or "chopped up". At a coffee shop, a cortado is usually 2 ounces of espresso and 2 ounces of steamed milk. The result is a happy medium between the milk-less espresso and the overpowered-by-milk latte.

What is a cafe mocha?

Cafe Mocha recipe A cafe mocha starts out like a cappuccino with an espresso shot and steamed milk. Then it is topped by either foamed milk or sometimes whipped cream. What makes it a mocha is the addition of chocolate either in the form of chocolate syrup or a sweet cocoa powder sprinkled on top.

What is the difference between steamed and foamed milk?

The difference between steamed and foamed milk is the amount of air that is added to the milk. Steamed milk will be hot and diluted because of the addition of steam. Foamed milk has even more steam added to it resulting in almost a whipped cream-like consistency.



Which espresso-based drink is your favorite? Which ones haven't you tried yet? Let Joe By Schmo know on our Facebook page.

If you live in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania near Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton, you can try espresso based drinks at these coffee shops.

No matter where you live, you can order some freshly roasted Joe By Schmo coffee for the best tasting home brewed espresso-based drinks you've ever had.



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